
The SDK MUST implement a mechanism for users to filter out spans. The result MUST be binary (true or false). Any APIs exposed to the user to filter spans MUST adhere to the following design principles:

  • The APIs are optimized for trace completeness
  • The APIs are optimized for conclusive sampling decisions

The ignoreSpans option accepts a glob pattern or string.

  ignoreSpans: [
    'GET /about',
    'events.signal *',

The integrations option MAY perform in similar fashion as the ignoreSpans option, or make explicit opt-out possible via a boolean flag.

  integrations: [
    fsIntegration: {
      ignoreSpans: [
      readSpans: true,
      writeSpans: false,

If both options mentioned above are not feasible to be implemented in certain SDKs, other approaches MUST be explored that have the same outcome.

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